Reduce Accidents While Working at Heights

Reduce Accidents While Working At Heights
Article by Lucy Wyndham

Control Measures To Reduce Accidents While Working At Heights
Matter of fact, in Australia, it’s the third major cause of death after motor vehicle accidents and being hit by moving or falling objects. People often misunderstand and overlook the risks involved with working at heights, as they tend to only think one would have to be working from a tall tower or a skyscraper for it to happen.
Contrary to popular belief, most work-related injuries occur with individuals below three meters above the ground. That said it is important for companies and the employees themselves to take necessary measures to minimize the severity of or completely eliminate such accidents.
Conduct Risk Assessment
Even though workers in construction and maintenance sites are particularly at a higher risk of falling from heights, the risk also applies to many other people in different professions such as roof cleaners, decorators and window cleaners, painters, and people who do ad hoc work without proper planning, training or equipment. It, therefore, goes without saying that companies involved should conduct risk assessment to identify potential risks that could cause falls.
In most cases, falls are caused by either gaps and holes on the roof, unprotected edges, absence of a fall arrest system or fragile materials underfoot. Despite the obvious dangers of working at heights, it’s astonishing how people often neglect basic safety measures which lead to devastating consequences.
Once the assessment is completed, the responsibility lies on the employer to implement control measures that will help maintain health and safety at the workplace, by reducing the risk of any employee falling while working at heights.

Have a Proper Plan
Planning appropriately is the first step towards ensuring the safety of workers before starting any job that involves heights. As a manager, ensure you examine and weigh any potential risks of upcoming work. If possible, try and avoid situations where employees are working at heights by devising alternative solutions that will not pose as much risk such as the use of drones.
However, if unavoidable, ensure that the work is carefully supervised and conducted by the most experienced staff. Furthermore, ensure you have a rescue and emergency evacuation plan in place just in case an accident occurs. Getting a workers compensation insurance will also come in handy as should there be any injury, you can rest assured your employee will be getting the best care possible and their family is provided for.
Use the Right Equipment