What's new in Version 4.4?

Tremendous new Features!

  • New features (All versions)
  • New enhancements (All versions)
  • New SWMS/ JSA/ JHA templates (All versions)
  • New SOPs (all versions)
  • New Reminders (All versions)
  • New policies (Premium versions)
  • New procedures (Premium versions)
  • New inspections (Premium Versions)
  • New WHS/ OHS Forms (Premium Versions)

When you upgrade, all of the new features are added to your existing data file so you don’t lose any of your previously entered information.

Additional information for your businesses defaults

We have added in your company’s insurances to the defaults update form. This information is now used for:

  1. Automated reminders for upcoming and expired insurances (All Versions)
  2. Automatic insertion into Project WHS management plans (Premium Versions)
We have added new field/ job positions for automatic insertion into various WHS/ OHS forms (Premium versions)

Country has been added to the defaults update, as well as the ability to add in new countries and states.

Added Command button to the Defaults Update form to edit Regulator Info (Legislation, etc,)
Update Defaults SEAsy v4.4
JSEAsy v4.4 Expired licences

Automated Reminders

We have added in  automated reminders for expired or about to expire licences and qualifications for your insurances as well as your employees and subcontractors licenses and insurances (All versions)

Note: You can turn this feature on or off

Updated the employee/ subcontractor form

All Versions:
Added “Employed By” field to the employee/ subcontractor form. This field will default to your organisation for new employees and will switch to blank to be filled in for subcontractors. (All versions)

This will automatically be inserted into site specific SWMS if a subcontractor or employee is inserted into the signoff list.

Uniforms and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) issued, will now be automatically inserted into the Employee Inductions and Training Matrix (All versions)

Added an Inactive tick box. When this is ticked these employee or subcontractors will not appear in the drop-down lists for SWMS (All versions) and WHS in the Premium versions
Add new employee JSEAsy-v4.4
JSEAsy v4.4 Inductions and Training Matrix

SOP and PPE training added to the Training Matrix

Safe Operating Procedure (SOP) training has been added to the Inductions and Training Matrix (All versions)

You can now select from the list of SOPs included in the JSEAsy Safety Software to add to an employee’s training matrix

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) issued to a subcontractor or employee is now shown and included into the training matrix

This is all part of your records of training to document when an employee was instruction in the safe operation and use of equipment.

Sign Off for Training Received

The Employee Inductions and Training Matrix report now includes a signoff area. (All versions)

This is it confirm and document not only that an employee or subcontractor has received the training, but an acknowledgement that they have received the appropriate instruction/ training in the safe operating procedure and safe use.

JSEAsy v4.4 Inductions and Training Matrix Sign off
JSEAsy v4.4 Site specific SWMS Revision History

Added SWMS revision History to site specific SWMS

All versions:

  1. When you create a new site-specific SWMS, the person entered into the “SWMS Initiated by” filed is automatically entered into the revision history as Rev 0.
  2. When a SWMS is revised, the selected name will go into the revision history and the report will change from “Initiated By” to “Revised by”

Added a site specific SWMS register to the job form

This will list off the different site-specific SWMS created in a job (All versions)

This is especially beneficial when you have multiple jobs at the one site
JSEAsy v4.4 Site specific SWMS Register
JSEAsy v4.4 Site specific SWMS Report

Modified the Site specific SWMS report

All versions:

  • Job ID (Job number) added to the report
    • This will use the Alternate Job ID, or if none entered will use the JSEAsy system generated Job ID

  • “SWMS Initiated” by, will change to “SWMS Revised By” when a site specific SWMS is modified/ revised

New step added in when creating a new SWMS template

All versions:

When you create a new SWMS template you are now prompted to enter in who developed the template.

This will track who developed the template and when the template was developed/ created
JSEAsy v4.4 new SWMS template
JSEAsy v4.4 SWMS Template Revision History

Added SWMS revision History to SWMS templates

All versions:

Track who created SWMS templates and who and when they were updated/ modified

Simplified the Risk Matrix in the SWMS form

All versions:

We have simplified the Risk Matrix in the Site-Specific SWMS and SWMS template forms. The risk number above the corresponding consequence
JSEAsy v4.4 new risk matrix in SWMS form
JSEAsy v4.4 Potential hazards and controls update all industries

Added the ability to update Potential Hazards for all Industries

You can now also move hazards and controls to different industries and industry specifics.

This is particularly handy  if you want to filter the selection of potential hazards to the selected industry specific, and filter out all others

Email SWMS Report button added

This will send a copy of your site-specific SWMS as a pdf attachment as well as save a copy of the pdf to your hard drive
JSEAsy v4.4 email SWMS report
JSEAsy v4.4 add new customer

Added Country to the customer and job forms

We have added in country to the customer form and job forms. (All versions)

This is beneficial if you have international customers or are doing jobs in other countries.

Safety Acts and Legislations are also linked to the selected Country, so the right legislation is referred to in your site-specific SWMS.

Safety Acts and Legislations are linked to the selected Country

The form has now been split to introduce a separate Service and repair log (Premium versions)
JSEAsy v4.4 Plant and Equipment register
JSEAsy v4.4 Plant and Equipment register Service Log

Service and Repair Log

The service repair log has been updated to include an endless service and repair history (Premium versions)

Combined Plant and Equipment Register and Service log report

Premium Version:

The new report shows each equipment items and the service and repair log for that item including the next service schedule

This information is also linked to WHS Form 42 Project Plant and Equipment Register. In you job you can select items from the master plant and equipment register
JSEAsy v4.4 Plant and Equipment register Report
JSEAsy v4.4 New SOP registers

NEW SOPs registers added

New SOP Register by Title and Number (all versions)

We have also added new SOPs!

New WHS/ OHS Forms

Premium versions:

We have added the following new WHS forms:

  • WHS_Form 63_Waste Management Plan – Domestic
  • WHS – Form 64 Workplace Relation and Compliance Statement
  • WHS – Form 65 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement
  • WHS – Form 66 WHSE Roles and Responsibilities
  • WHS – Form 67 Mobile Plant Daily checklist
  • WHS  – Form 68 Trench and Excavations Incident Emergency Response Procedure
  • WHS  – Form 69 Vehicle or Mobile Plant Rollover Emergency Response Procedure
JSEAsy v4.4 Select an Existing WHS Form
JSEasy v4.3 Upgrade from v3.7.2

New SWMS templates

We have added a heap of really good SWMS templates for all industries. (All versions)

131 new templates have been added since the release of v4.3

Hundreds of templates have been added since the release of older versions

Upgrade Now

All versions:

When you upgrade your version of JSEAsy, all of the new features enhancements and templates are added to your data file so you will not lose any of the work and data you have.

Just login to JSEAsy with your username and password and then go to Upgrade versions for JSEAsy

Not sure which version you are running?

Have a look here to see which version of the JSEAsy safety management software you are running

Always make sure you do a backup regularly and before attempting any upgrade.

JSEAsy Upgrade
JSEAsy subscription renewal

Upgrade Versions

For older versions You may need to upgrade incrementally to the latest version


Need Help?

Need help upgrading?

If your not sure which is the best version to upgrade to, just give me a call or send me an email.

When upgrading from older versions the upgrades are huge and can take a bit of time and resource.  We can simplify this for you!

Just send us a copy of your data file and we can upgrade it for you and send it back to you all upgraded to the latest version.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at anytime if you have any questions or need any help.
JSEAsy Support